Lightning Talks for SREcon24 EMEA squeeze 10 talks into one hour; the highest info-density of the whole conference. Proposals are welcome on any SREcon topic, provided it can be covered in just four minutes.
  • 18 September 2024 21:00 UTC – deadline for proposals
  • 25 September 2024 – accepted speakers notified
  • 2 October 2024 – responses due from accepted speakers
  • 16 October 2024 – slides due from accepted speakers
Please note that lightning talk speakers do not receive any conference registration discount and that only registered attendees may present lightning talks.

Slides for accepted talks should be shared via Google slides with the lightning talk chairs and will be run from a single master compilation of slides.

Welcome to the SREcon24 EMEA Lightning Talks submissions site. For general information, see


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.